AJ Hammer Leaves HLN

20140623-134100-49260737.jpgChanges continue to hit HLN as the struggling cable news network attempts to redefine itself for the social media generation. Part of the reinvention has caused HLN to cancel many of its programs and for talent to leave the channel. In February, HLN announced that they had cancelled Showbiz Tonight, but host AJ Hammer would stay at the network as an entertainment correspondent. However, Hammer’s appearances on HLN greatly decreased after the show’s cancellation. Now, the CNN Commentary blog has broke the news that Hammer has left HLN. In a statement to CNN Commentary, a HLN spokesperson said, “A.J.’s moved on to other pursuits. We wish him only the best.”

(H/t: CNNCommentary.Com)

About Tyler

Tyler is the chief media reporter for TKNN, with the news organization since its founding in November of 2010. He has previously served as chief political reporter and chief political anchor for TKNN.

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