
Anthony Scaramucci Resigns as Communications Director

Anthony Scaramucci has resigned as White House Communications Director. Freshly minted Chief of Staff John Kelly pushed for Scaramucci’s ouster and it occurred on Kelly’s first day. Scaramucci had been working in the White House for ten days before he left the position. However, Scaramucci had technically not even started yet as […]

Further Attention on White House Press Briefings Comes from Congress and Media

As the White House continually moves towards the regularization of off-camera press briefings, the media and Congress are capitalizing on the briefings’ newfound attention. ABC News announced yesterday a new live streaming program, The Briefing Room, that will air following the daily press briefing. White House correspondents Jonathan Karl and […]

White House Releases Salary Information

The White House has released its annual report of staff salaries. The report has been required since 1995 and the White House provides it to Congress and the general public. The report reveals that twenty-two staffers make the top salary of $179,700 a year. Among those making the top salary […]

President Trump Launches Sexist Attack on Mika Brzezinski

On Thursday morning, President Donald Trump took aim at MSNBC’s Morning Joe, in particular co-host Mika Brzezinski. Morning Joe and Trump have had a rocky relationship, going back and forth between praise for the candidate-turned-President and outright criticism. Trump tweeted (the two tweets have been merged together), “I heard poorly rated […]