International Affairs

North American Leaders React to Fidel Castro’s Death

Cuban dictator Fidel Castro died on Friday at the age of 90. Reactions poured in from around the world, especially in North America where Castro played a significant role in the geopolitics of the past fifty years. President Obama offered a largely neutral statement on Castro’s passing. Under President Obama, […]

Ecuador Admits to Cutting Julian Assange’s Internet Access

On Tuesday, the Ecuadorian government admitted that it had in fact restricted WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s Internet access. Ecuador said that it made the decision on its own after WikiLeaks published numerous documents related to the American presidential election. WikiLeaks has been active in leaking emails from the Democratic National Committee and […]

United Nations Announces New Secretary-General

The ambassadors on the United Nations Security Council announced on Wednesday that the members have come behind Antonio Guterres to be the next Secretary-General. In the straw poll, Guterres was easily the top pick with 13 “encouraged” votes. He did not have any “discouraged” votes, but two members expressed “no […]