
Circa News Shuts Down

Co-founder Matt Galligan announced that Circa will be shutting down. The news app had been available for three years until it was placed in “indefinite hiatus.” Wednesday, Galligan made the announcement on Medium, days after Circa said there would be an announcement on its status. Circa has been funded by venture capital, […]

Carly Fiorina Gets Media on Domaingate Story

After former HP CEO Carly Fiorina announced her presidential run, it was publicized that she had failed to secure the CarlyFiorina.Org domain. Instead, the domain had been bought by the SEIU and listed a sad-face emoticon for each person laid off during Fiorina’s tenure as head of HP. There are […]

Iran’s Ayatollah Trolls the United States on Twitter Regarding Police Brutality

Ayatollah Khamenei has a Twitter account and he regularly uses it to troll the United States. Whereas before the Ayatollah would only be able to blast the United States in speeches, he can criticize with the Twitter account, which is unverified. Even though it is unverified, it still seen as […]