Political Jungle for October 26, 2012

Hello, and welcome to Political Jungle. Now, today we discuss Powell, Sandy, and a Senator, with only eleven days left.

Welcome, we begin with Majority Leader Senator Harry Reid. Senator Reid had been rushed to the emergency room following a car accident. He had some injuries with his ribs and hips. The Senator, who is 72, was wearing his seat belt, and has been released.

There is continuing controversy over Gov. John Sununu suggesting that former Secretary Colin Powell was endorsing President Obama due to their race. Gov. Sununu made the comments on CNN’s Piers Morgan Tonight.

Next, we have Through the Looking Glass.

I bet you’ve seen an ad from BMW. OK, I can hear you through the camera. Well, if you have seen one lately, you’ll notice a gray box. As the background is white, the BMW logo, which is a circle, is within a gray box. Someone forgot to use the paint bucket tool. Now, of course I don’t like to name names. But… Richard! How could you forget the box, the only thing they actually trust you with. Really, it’s a box, and you just need to color it. You’re like the guy from the Citibank commercial! His girlfriend broke up with him because he’s “boring.” So, what does he do, he uses his Citibank rewards to go to the museum, the most interesting man in the world, or men. One can’t color, one goes to museums.

Well, thank you for joining us on Political Jungle, please join us again next week.

About Tyler

Tyler is the chief media reporter for TKNN, with the news organization since its founding in November of 2010. He has previously served as chief political reporter and chief political anchor for TKNN.

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