Scott Walker

The Senators Seize Wisconsin

On Tuesday, the race for the White House came to the birthplace of the Republican Party as Senators Bernie Sanders (D-VT) and Ted Cruz (R-TX) won their respective parties’ primary in Wisconsin. Cruz won with 52% of the vote while Sanders won with 54% of the vote, as of press […]

New CNN Poll Solidifies Post-Debate Dynamics

In the first national post-debate poll, businessman Donald Trump continues to lead Republicans. However, his support is down eight percentage points from the last CNN poll. Businesswoman Carly Fiorina, however, has soared to second place after a widely praised debate performance on Wednesday night. Trump garners 24% of the vote […]

2016 Presidential Race Enters New Phase

The political year tends to be divided into two parts, before Labor Day and after Labor Day. For presidential and midterm elections, Labor Day marks the start of fall and the general election season. For off-years (especially the off-year before a presidential election), it still carries a special significance. Summer […]

Fox News Poll Continues to Show Reshaped Race

The latest Fox News national poll continues to show that the Republican debate on Fox News had a great impact on the presidential race. Businessman and real estate mogul Donald Trump continues to lead the race and his standing is relatively unchanged at 25%. Dr. Ben Carson and Senator Ted […]