Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton Has Pneumonia, Overheats at 9/11 Ceremony

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton unexpectedly departed from a 9/11 ceremony early Sunday morning after feeling “overheated,” according to Clinton spokesperson Nick Merrill. Clinton was seen at the event at 8:00 A.M. before leaving around 9:30 to be taken to her daughter’s Manhattan apartment to recover. “Secretary Clinton has been […]

Richmond Times-Dispatch Endorses Gary Johnson

The Richmond Times-Dispatch, the main newspaper in Virginia, endorsed Libertarian presidential nominee and former governor Gary Johnson in a Sunday editorial. The endorsement is a break in tradition for the newspaper as it has exclusively endorsed Republican presidential nominees for the past 36 years. The editorial blasted the Democratic and […]

Donald Trump Gets Help from Across the Pond

On Wednesday, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump got help from former United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) leader Nigel Farage. Farage has not formally endorsed Trump, but the struggling presidential candidate, who deemed himself “Mr. Brexit” in a tweet, tried to draw comparisons between the American election and Great Britain’s decision […]