Internal Poll Signals Trouble for Gomez

ma senateAn internal poll released by the Gomez campaign shows the Republican seven points behind Democratic Rep. Ed Markey. Besides the point that the election is Tuesday, there is one other problem. The poll, as mentioned previously, is internal. Internal polls are not covered in the media because they usually exaggerate that candidate’s position. For example, back right before the 2012 election Senate candidate Josh Mandel released a campaign poll that showed the Republican only one point behind Democratic Senator Sherrod Brown. Sherrod won the next day by six percentage points. Released internal polls are often used by campaigns to maintain supporters’ optimism. Usually this is because that candidate is losing in most polls. The problem with Gomez’s poll is that he is still losing. While a seven points difference is great for any Republican in a such a blue state like Massachusetts, Gomez does not appear to be in a striking distance to beat Markey at this point. While it is still possible to have an upset, the candidates had their final debate last night, it is getting tougher and tougher for Gomez with each day. Especially with a poll that would normally show him closer.

Remember to join Tyler and the rest of the TKNN political team on Tuesday, June 25, for live coverage of the Massachusetts special election. Coverage begins at 7 P.M. EST.

About Tyler

Tyler is the chief media reporter for TKNN, with the news organization since its founding in November of 2010. He has previously served as chief political reporter and chief political anchor for TKNN.

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