Meet the Press Marks 70 Years

Photo by: William B. Plowman/NBC

Photo by: William B. Plowman/NBC

NBC News’s Meet the Press marked seventy years on the air Sunday. The first episode aired on November 6, 1947 with moderator Martha Rountree (who remains the only female moderator in the show’s history), guest James Farley, and a panel of questioners. Since then the format has changed to incorporate one-on-one interviews with the host and then a separate pundit panel element.

The show marked the anniversary a few different ways. There was a look back at appearances made by U.S. Presidents and breaking down the show’s history into various metrics, like most frequent guests.

There was also a lighter moment when the show flashed back to the first appearances of Tom Brokaw, Peggy Noonan, Eugene Robinson, and Kasie Hunt.

Tom Brokaw also wore a special tie to commemorate Tim Russert, who holds the record as the longest-serving moderator of Meet the Press.

About Tyler

Tyler is the chief media reporter for TKNN, with the news organization since its founding in November of 2010. He has previously served as chief political reporter and chief political anchor for TKNN.

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