Clayton Morris Leaving Fox News 2

fourth estate newFIRST ON TKNN: Fox News weekend anchor Clayton Morris is leaving the network. His last day is tomorrow, Labor Day.

Morris is a co-anchor for Fox & Friends Weekend and part of a rotating crew of anchors for Fox & Friends First (an early morning news program that airs prior to Fox & Friends on weekdays). Even while Morris was still at Fox News, there were signs that he was not as attached to the network. He regularly retweeted articles from other news sources and more and more of his tweets were about financial freedom and his real estate podcast. Morris also used to be an unofficial tech reporter for Fox News, but his tech news reports were less and less frequent.

Morris also now runs a real estate-focused investment firm with his wife, Natali.

Morris hinted at the departure on Twitter when he posted a screenshot of his alarm and said that it would be “the last time I’ll ask Siri to wake me up this early.” Morris explained in a reply that he was indeed leaving broadcast news and his wife confirmed unequivocally that he was going to no longer be with Fox News.

Fox News says that a rotating crew of co-anchors will fill in on Fox & Friends Weekend in the interim.

Efforts to get a further comment from Morris was unsuccessful.

About Tyler

Tyler is the chief media reporter for TKNN, with the news organization since its founding in November of 2010. He has previously served as chief political reporter and chief political anchor for TKNN.

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